Tuesday, September 23, 2008

raising a little boy!

After Cash was born I had several people ask me, "Is it different with a little boy than it was with the girls?". I'd always tell them, "Not really. I look at sprinklers a little differently, but that's about it!".
Well now that Cash is more mobile and has such his own little personality I find myself asking on a regular basis, "Why do boys have to be so destructive?"! He is such a little busy body it's hard to keep up! Today I decided to take pictures to one day have as evidence of how much of a mess he is! (Note- these pictures were taken all within about 5 minutes.)

one big mess... just how he likes it!

it's not finished until every single dvd and xbox game are on the floor!

now it's time to try to climb up the entertainment center, or atleast until mom says no!

and now time to attack mommy until she gives me fruit loops!

Despite all the destruction and busy-ness... the best thing of all is how much he loves his Mommy!
Momma's Boy!

now I must go, as I was typing this Cash got into the girls backpacks and has pulled every last thing out... we never slow down!

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